Computational Psychology LabNews
February 2025 Congratulations to Fan Zhang, Mukesh Makwana, Dietmar Heinke and Joo-Hyun Song on their paper in APP. This is the another paper funded by the ESRC-NSF grant with Joo-Hyun Song .
Zhang, F., Makwana, M., Heinke, D., Song, J.-H. (in press) Characterizing individual differences in selection history bias manifested in goal-directed reaching movements, Attention, Perception & Psychophysics.
January 2025 Congratulations to Mandar Patil, Dietmar Heinke and Fan Zhang on their paper in PeerJ. This another paper funded by CPL's ESRC grant and our first paper after Fan took up his assistant professorship at Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University.
Patil, M. M., Heinke, D., & Zhang, F. (2025). Computational modelling reveals the influence of object similarity and proximity on visually guided movements. In PeerJ (Vol. 13, p. e18953). PeerJ.
August 2024 Congratulations to Jordan Deakin, Andrew Schofield, Dietmar Heinke on their paper in Entropy. This is Jordan's first paper from her PhD. There will be many more. So watch this space....
Deakin, J., Schofield, A., & Heinke, D. (2024). Support for the Time-Varying Drift Rate Model of Perceptual Discrimination in Dynamic and Static Noise Using Bayesian Model-Fitting Methodology. In Entropy (Vol. 26, Issue 8, p. 642).
May 2024 We are presenting at the ECVP in Aberdeen.
#87 Characterizing individual differences in selection history bias manifested in goal-directed reaching movements
D. Heinke, F. Zhang, M. Makwana, J.-H. Song
Come visit our poster!
April 2024 Congratulations to Chen Wei, Jiachen Zou , Dietmar Heinke and Quanying Liu on their paper at the AI conference IJCAI. This is Chen's first paper at a major international conference. Since AI conference typically have a high rejection rate, this is an excellent achievement. The is paper is also a major output for the collaborative PhD studentship with Quanying Liu at Southern University of Science and Technology (SUSTech), China.
Wei C., Zou J., Heinke D., Liu Q. (2024) CoCoG: Controllable Visual Stimuli Generation based on Human Concept Representations, 33rd Proc. of International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence.
January 2024 Jordan has passed her PhD viva with minor modifications! Congratulations! Well done!
August 2023 Joo-Hyun Song and Dietmar are organizing a symposia at the European Conference in Visual Perception (ECVP) titled "The Interplay Between Vision and Action". Laura E. Thomas and Maryam Vaziri-Pashkam will also present.
Come and attend our talks!
July 2023 The collaborative ESRC-NSF grant with Joo-Hyun Song is producing the first joint paper. So congratulations to Mukesh Makwana, Fan Zhang, Dietmar Heinke, Joo-Hyun Song on their paper in PLOS Computational Biology.
Makwana, M., Zhang, F., Heinke, D., & Song, J.-H. (2023). Continuous action with a neurobiologically inspired computational approach reveals the dynamics of selection history. PLOS Computational Biology, 19, 7, p. e1011283. .
April 2023 CPL was pleased to learn that the Uni's Institute for Adavanced Studies (IAS) awarded our long-term collaborator Joo-Hyun Song the IAS Vanguard fellowship. Congratulations! This fellowship will fund a four week stay at Birmingham. It will us to intensitfy our collaboration and Joo-Hyun to develop new collaborations with acadmics at Birmimgham.
Feb 2023 We are presenting at the VSS. You can find the abstract for the posters on the VSS's abstract page:.
VSS# 43.329 Perceptual noise disrupts flanker suppression: Evidence from a novel type of noise in the colour domain and Bayesian modelling. J. Deakin, D. Heinke
VSS# 26.455 Neurobiologically inspired robotics model: Underlying mechanisms for target selection biases from a recent experience of goal-directed action J. Deakin, A. Daskalopoulos, M. Makwana, J.-H. Song, D. Heinke
Come visit our posters!
November 2022 Dietmar and Jordan are presenting at the annual meeting of the psychonomic society on Friday the 18th between 12:00 and 13:00. The title of the poster is:
The Role of Perceptual Noise in Response Conflict: A Bayesian Model Comparison Come visit our poster!
May 2022 At last the editorial chapter of our special issue on deep neural networks is also completed. We would like to thank Charles Leek (University of Liverpool) and Ales Leonardis (University of Birmingham) for the excellent collaboration and David Forster as Vision Research's Editor-in-Chief for the help and advice. Buy AutoCAD 2019: – used, cheap and without a subscription. Save up to 75%! Heinke, D., Leonardis, A., Leek, E. C. (2022) What do deep neural networks tell us about biological vision? Vision Research, 198, 108069.
April 2022 We are pleased to announce the publication of the final chapter of our special issue on deep neural networks. Leek, E. C., Leonardis, A., Heinke, D. (2022) Deep neural networks and image classification in biological vision. Vision Research, 197, 108058,
March 2022 We are presenting at the VSS. You can find the abstract for the posters on the VSS's abstract page:
VSS# 26.304 Evaluating individual differences in selection history bias for goal-directed reaching movements M. Makwana, F. Zhang, D. Heinke, J.-H. Song
VSS# 43.444 Examining noise and motion in the Eriksen flanker task: A Bayesian comparison of drift-diffusion models. J. Deakin, D. Heinke
VSS# 23.438 Neurobiologically inspired robotics model: Underlying mechanisms for target selection biases from a recent experience of goal-directed action F Zhang, M. Makwana, J.-H. Song, D. Heinke
Come visit our posters!
November 2021 We are pleased to announce another accepted publication. This time it is a fMRI-study with our long-standing collaborator Shan Xu at Beijing Normal University. Moreover it is a pre-registered study and the first of its kind for the CPL. So congratulations to Shan Xu, Xingypu Liu, Jorge Almeida and Dietmar Heinke on their paper in Neuroimage. OLG is your only official source for online gambling and lottery games in Ontario. Xu, S., Liu, X., Almeida, J. & Heinke, D. (2021) The contributions of the ventral and the dorsal visual streams to the automatic processing of action relations of familiar and unfamiliar object pairs. (2021). NeuroImage (Vol. 245, p. 118629). Elsevier BV.
October 2021 Congratulations to Dietmar Heinke, Peter Wachman, Wieske vanZoest and Charles Leek on their paper in Visual Research. We also want to higlight Peter's contribution. He laid the foundation for this paper in his dissertation in the CNCR MSc and then went on to work on this in his spare time while working in a full-time job. Heinke, D., Wachman, P., vanZoest, W., & Leek, E. C. (2021) A failure to learn object shape geometry: implications for convolutional neural networks as plausible models of biological vision. Vision Research , 189, 81-92.
September 2021 Congratulations to Dietmar Heinke on his appointment as a Turing Fellow. He is looking forward to collaborating with other researchers at the Alan Turing institute.
August 2021 We are presenting at the ECVP . You can find the abstract for the posters on the programme by searching for Deakin_ATT_poster_5264 (Jordan Deakin), heinke_act_poster_9820 (Dietmar Heinke et al.), zhang_att_poster_7954 (Fan Zhang), Makwana_ACT_Poster_9090 (Mukesha Makwana, Fan Zhang et al.) and Camara_VCG_Poster_1907 (Dominic Standage, Lamine Camera). Come visit our posters!
July 2021 We are please to announce that we won a collaborative studentship with Southern University of Science and Technology, China. We are looking forward to co-supervising a PhD-student with Quanying Liu.
May 2021 Our collaboration with Joo-Hyun Song is making excellent progress and we are presenting them at poster sessions at the Virtual-VSS . Come visit our posters!
Februar 2021 Congratulations to Jordan Deakin, Lily Porat, Wieske van Zoest and Dietmar Heinke on their contribution of a chapter to the Encyclopedia of Behavioral Neuroscience . Special congratulation to Jordan Deakin (PhD-student) for her first 1st-author publication. Also thanks to Pia Rotshtein for inviting us. It will be release in September this year.
Deakin, J., Porat, L., van Zoest, W., & Heinke, D. (2021). Behavioral Research, Overt Performance. In Reference Module in Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Psychology. Elsevier.
November 2020 Congratulations to Anna-Maria Velentza, Dietmar Heinke and Jeremy Wyatts for a paper in Advanded Robotics. This is another example how the interdiscplinary MSc CNCR fosters collaboration between Computer Science and Psychology.
Velentza, A. M., Heinke, D., & Wyatt, J. (2020). Museum robot guides or conventional audio guides? An experimental study. Advanced Robotics , 1-10.
July 2020 Julia has passed her viva. Congratulations to her!
June 2020 The collaborative ESRC-NSF grant with Joo-Hyun Song is producing the first results and we are presenting them at poster sessions at the Virtual-VSS . Come visit our poster.
February 2020 Congratulations to Dominic Standage, Corson Areshenkoff, Joseph Nashed, R. Matthew Hutchinson, Melina Hutchison, Dietmar Heinke, Ravi Menon, Stefan Everling and Jason Gallivan on their paper in Cerebral Cortex. Standage, D., Areshenkoff, C., N., Nashed, J. Y., Hutchinson, R. M., Hutchison, M., Heinke, D., Menon, R. S., Everling, S., & Gallivan, J. P. (in press). Dynamic reconfiguration, fragmentation and integration of whole-brain modular structure across depths of unconsciousness. Cerebral Cortex.
December 2019 We are pleased to welcome Fan Zhang as post doc in the lab. He is funded for three years by our ESRC-NSF(SBE) grant.
October 2019 Congratulations to Anna-Maria Velentza who presented a poster at the 28th IEEE International Conference on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN). Her co-authors, Dietmar Heinke and Jeremy Wyatts are very pleased with the excellent effort she made. Now she is planning to convert this work into a Journal paper.
Velentza, A.-M., Heinke, D., & Wyatt, J. (2019). Human Interaction and Improving Knowledge through Collaborative Tour Guide Robots. 2019 28th IEEE International Conference on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN). Presented at the 2019 28th IEEE International Conference on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN).
June 2019 Julia will present a poster at her first international conference ESCOP. Title: Fast but not slow responses cause interference in conflicting stimuli: evidence for cognitive control and the bottleneck . Come visit her poster.
June 2019 Congratulations to Ahmad Abu-Akel, Carrie Allison, Simon Baron-Cohen, and Dietmar Heinke on their paper in Molecular Autism.
Abu-Akel, A., Allison C., Baron-Cohen, S., & Heinke, D. (2019). The distribution of autistic traits across the autism spectrum: evidence for discontinuous dimensional subpopulations underlying the autism continuum. Molecular Autism , 10(1).
May 2019 After all these successes Dietmar has to relax at VSS . Come visit his poster.
April 2019 Fantastic news! This year is getting better and better.
We won a ESRC-NSF(SBE) grant!
Title: SBE-UKRI: Integrating vision and action through selection history.
This grant will support the collaboration with Joo-Hyun Song (Brown University).
April 2019 Congratulations to A. K. Abadi, K. Yahya, M. Amini, K. Friston, & D. Heinke on their paper in the Journal of the Royal Society Interface.
Abadi, A. K., Yahya, K., Amini, M., Friston, K., & Heinke, D. (2019). Excitatory versus inhibitory feedback in Bayesian formulations of scene construction. Journal of The Royal Society Interface , 16(154),
Januar 2019 Congratulations to J. Robinson, D. N. George & D. Heinke on their paper in Experimental Psychology: Animal Learning and Cognition. This paper results from a nice collaboration between Birmingham, Nottingham and Hull. We hope this paper will lead to a successful BBSRC grant application.
Robinson, J., George, D. N., & Heinke, D. (2019). A computational implementation of a Hebbian learning network and its application to configural forms of acquired equivalence. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal Learning and Cognition , 45(3), 356-371. href=
September 2018 We are pleased to announce that Dominic Standage is visiting CPL as Marie Curie fellow for the next two years. His project is called VISSATO (Visual search and Cognitive Control of the speed-accuracy trade-off).
February 2018 Vilius Narbutas has passed his viva.
November 2017 Congratulations to Francois Osiurak & Dietmar Heinke on their paper in American Psychologist. This paper is a by-product of an unsuccessful H2020 FETOPEN application for which Francois and Dietmar provided the theoretical framework.
Osiurak, F., & Heinke, D. (2018) Looking for Intoolligence: A unified framework for the cognitive study of human tool use and technology. American Psychologist, 73(2), 169-185.
August 2017 Congratulations to Diana Orghian, Anna Smith, Leonel Garcia-Marques, & Dietmar Heinke on their paper in Journal of Experimental Social Psychology. We are pleased to note that this paper was largely driven by Anna Smith's energy to complete the experiments. This was a very remarkable performance for a MSc student.
Orghian, D., Smith, A., Garcia-Marques, L., & Heinke, D. (2017) Capturing spontaneous trait inference with the modified free association paradigm. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 73, 243-258.
August 2017 Congratulations to Vilius Narbutas, Yi-Shin Lin, Matej Kristan, & Dietmar Heinke on their paper in Visual Cognition. This is the first publication from Vilius' PhD. We hope there will be many more.
Narbutas, V., Lin, Y.-S., Kristan, M., & Heinke, D. (2017) Serial versus parallel search: A model comparison approach based on reaction time distributions. Visual Cognition, 1-3, 306-325.
June 2017 Congratulations to Shan Xu & Dietmar Heinke on their paper in Visual Cognition. This is Shan's third paper from her PhD! We are also pleased to announce that we are continuing our collaboration, even though she has returned to Bejing. There may be even a pre-registered fMRI study. Very exiting!. Watch this space.
Xu, S., & Heinke, D. (2017) Implied between-object actions affect response selection without knowledge about object functionality. Visual Cognition, 1-3, 152-168.
December 2016 Congratulations to Xu, S., Glyn Humphreys, Carmel Mevorach, and Dietmar Heinke on their paper in Neuropsychologia. Even though we must admit that the joy of this success is muted as this must have been one of the last papers Glyn signed off.
Xu, S., Humphreys, G. W., Mevorach, C., & Heinke, D. (2017) The involvement of the dorsal stream in processing implied actions between object pairs: a TMS study. Neuropsychologia, 95, 240-249.
September 2015 Congratulations to Fard, Hollensen, Heinke, and Trappenberg on their paper in Neural Networks. That was a nice collaboration with Thomas Trappenberg's lab at Dalhousie.
Fard, F. S., Hollensen, P., Heinke, D.,& Trappenberg, T. P. (2015) Modeling human target reaching with an adaptive observer implemented with dynamic neural fields. Neural Networks, 72, 13-30. doi
September 2015 Congratulations to Soeren Strauss, Phil Woodgate, Saber Sami, Dietmar Heinke on their paper in Neural Networks.
Strauss, S., Woodgate, P.J.W., Sami, S. A., & Heinke, D. (2015) Choice reaching with a LEGO arm robot (CoRLEGO): The motor system guides visual attention to movement-relevant information. Neural Networks, 72, 3-12. doi
June 2015 Congratulations to Abu-Akel, Heinke, Gillespie, Mitchell, Bo on their paper in Journal of Abnormal Psychology. CPL's first stab at Psychopathy!
Abu-Akel, A., Heinke, D., Gillespie, S. M., Mitchell, I. J., & Bo, S. (2015) Metacognitive impairments in schizophrenia are arrested at extreme levels of psychopathy: The cut-off effect.
April 2015 Congratulations to Phil Woodgate, Soeren Strauss, Saber Sami, Dietmar Heinke on their paper in Behavioral Brain Research.
Woodgate, P.J.W., Strauss, S., Sami, S. A., & Heinke, D. (2015) Motor cortex guides selection of predictable movement targets. Behavioural Brain Research, 287, 238-246.
March 2015 Congratulations to Shan Xu on her first paper in JEP:HPP.
Xu, S., Humphreys, G. W., & Heinke, D. (2015) Implied actions between paired objects lead to affordance selection by inhibition. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 41(4), 1021-1036.
Oct. 2014 Social Cognition has accepted a paper with Diana Orghian, Leonel Garcia-Marques, J. Uleman. It seems like the collaboration with them is finally producing some results!
Orghian, D., Garcia-Marquesa L., Uleman, J. S. , & Heinke, D. (2015) A Connectionist Model of Spontaneous Trait Inference and Spontaneous Trait Transference. Social Cognition, 33,1, 20 - 66.
Sept. 2014 Vision Research has accepted a paper with Yuanyuan Zhao.
Dec 2013 Soeren has passed his viva.
March 2013 Greg's first paper has been accepted in Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation (JASSS).
December 2012 Greg Carslaw has passed his viva.
May 2012 The Psychogical Review - paper by Eirini Mavritsaki, Dietmar Heinke, Harriet Allen, Gustavo Deco and Glyn Humphreys has won the BPS Cognitive Psychology Section Award 2012!
April 2012 Soeren's first paper has been accepted in Frontiers.
December 2011 Yuanyuan's second paper has been accepted in Visual Cognition.
November 2011 Giles' third paper has been accepted in Vision Research.
October 2011 Soeren has presented a poster on his work with our LEGO robotarm at the Bernstein conference in Freiburg. Abstract.
July 2011 Yuanyuan's first paper has been accepted in Attention, Perception & Psychophysics (APP).
May 2011 Christoph has passed his viva.
October 2010 Andreas and Dietmar's paper has been accepted in Cognitive Computation.
September 2010 Giles second paper has been accepted in Visual Cognition.
August 2010 Yuanyuan Zhao has passed her viva. Eirini Mavritsaki, Dietmar Heinke, Harriet Allen, Gustavo Deco and Glyn Humphreys have a paper in Psychological Review.
April 2010 Dietmar became an Associate Editor for Frontiers.
December 2009 Giles Anderson passed his PhD Viva.
June 2009 Giles Anderson has his first publication accepted in JEP:HPP.
UPDATE Proceedings from May 2007 workshop are published now. Heinke, D. & Mavritsaki, E. (Eds.) (2009).
Computational Modelling in Behavioural Neuroscience: Closing the gap between neurophysiology and behaviour,
London: Psychology Press.
The book contains 15 chapters written by renowned researchers in the area of computational modelling (draft of the preface and table of contents). The editors are very grateful to the authors for their contributions.
NEW COURSE Cognition and Computational Neuroscience MRes This new Masters in Research course (MRes) is designed to provide experience of appropriate research skills, coupled with knowledge of the broader theoretical context of contemporary interdisciplinary research. For more information, click here.
January 3rd-4th 2008 London meeting of the EPS At the January 2008 meeting of the Experimental Psychology Society (EPS), Giles Anderson presented a talk on the 'Differential time course of top-down cueing by colour and orientation in visual search'. A revised abstract is available here.
May 31st-June 2nd 2007 Computational modelling workshop, University of Birmingham, UK The 'Closing the gap between neurophysiology and behaviour: A computational modelling approach' workshop was part of a series of published colloquia on 'Advances in cognitive neuroscience', held at the Behavioural Brain Sciences Centre, University of Birmingham. The workshop brought together international researchers either using computational models, or collecting data directly relevant to models, to discuss the current state of the field, and to evaluate new directions in the interaction between models and data. For details of the program and talk abstracts, click here.
May 30th 2007 The method of computational modelling: A practical introduction To complement the above Computational modelling workshop, this one-day satellite workshop for postgraduate students and junior postdocs provided hands-on experience as well as a theoretical introduction to computational models. For more details, click here.
January 8th 2007 Fourth international workshop on attention in cognitive systems Eirini Mavritsaki (talk) and Dietmar Heinke (poster) presented at this workshop, part of the 20th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence. The conference was from the 6th to 12th.
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